Pursuing the Presence, Purpose and Power of a closer walk with Christ

Posts tagged ‘rest’

Healing Waters

Healing waters The Wadsworth Church of the Nazarene had revival this week with evangelist Rev. Norman Moore. He brought a fresh word from the Lord and the Holy Spirit brought a fresh wind. Last night’s message was about the man that would sit by the pool waiting for someone to dip him in the water for healing when it was stirred. No telling how long he was in that paralyzed condition…the parallel to this story in John 5:1-11 was to a faulty cruise control that would operate fast, then slow, then back and forth. When the money was available it was finally taken to the garage to fix it, but fixed it wasn’t. The Rev. left it in that condition…broken. For that car-it was normal. Our abnormals can become normal to us and we can’t differentiate between the two conditions. But if we’re blessed to have the healing waters stirred when Jesus passes by, anyone who comes to Him will be healed. I was first in the “pool” and may have been last at the alter. I slept 6.9 hours, the 2nd longest in years! I’m trusting Christ for a continuing record of “normal” rest. Praise be to The Great Physician!

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