Pursuing the Presence, Purpose and Power of a closer walk with Christ

Posts tagged ‘bear much fruit’


The Blackberry Harvest Part-4


I think the answer to the above question is simply given in God’s Holy Word, the Bible.

John 15: 4 states, “Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.”

The concept of the vine and the branches is used because it refers to the relationship between the source-which Jesus is portraying himself as the vine and the branches-which are the believers in Christ.

Staying connected to the Lord will enable you to bear fruit. The prerequisites include faithfulness to the relationship and obedience to his will.

 How do you bear the fruit  that is spoken of in John 15?  Of course, it’s not the kind you may buy at the corner market.

This sweet fruit can be the things you do that reflect an attitude or deed which glorifies the Father.

 It could be  giving your neighbor a loaf of baked bread or a plate of cookies.(Why not invite them to church while you’re at it?) 

Letting the person behind you,  go ahead of you in the grocery line since you have a cart that is full and they have only a few items.

 Giving a compliment to another person, it doesn’t have to someone you know,  that you notice is good about them, their attire or hairdo. 

 “This is to my Father’s Glory, that you bear much fruit showing yourselves to be my disciples.” (John 15 :8 NIV)

Are we using every opportunity to love others and glorify the Lord?

Are our lifestyles  packed with errands, responsibilities and overcommitment, so that we don’t have room for bearing fruit?

“Well, I do my part in service to the church. That’s serving the Lord isn’t it?”

Only you and God can answer that question.

What does your harvest look like? Abundance or slim pickings?

Why not ask the Lord of the Harvest to prune you so you bear much fruit and glorify him?

Father, you are so good to allow us to go and bear fruit that remains. Help us focus as we begin each day, to give the baskets of our hearts to you to fill it with much fruit that glorifies you. In the name of your Son, Jesus, Amen.

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