Pursuing the Presence, Purpose and Power of a closer walk with Christ

Posts tagged ‘diciples go make’

A Memorial To Remember

Today,  May 30,  2011, many people will visit gravesites to honor the memory of those who gave their lives for our freedom.

  Others will remember their loved ones who have passed on from this realm of living  to eternity.

This Memorial Day 2011, I want to honor Jesus Christ my Savior,  for His sacrifice on the Cross for my sins.

 I want to thank my Heavenly Father for sending His only Son as  part of His perfect plan of salvation. He gave because He loves us so much

After Jesus’ resurrection., He sent His Holy Spirit  giving us power to live a holy life and to  “go and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28:19

Memorial Day for Christians is everyday if we consider the life Jesus gave for our freedom. Others need that freedom too.

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